Transform your life through the power of God's Word...
Our National Director is Bruce Harding, a resident of Johnsonville in Wellington. Bruce started one of the first CBSI classes in New Zealand in 2000, after serving several roles in Bible Study Fellowship. He was trained by the then National Directors, Jeremy and Pamela Theakston. He joined the CBSI NZ Board in 2010 and was appointed National Director in March 2013 and has held the role since then.
Apart from still running a class in Johnsonville, as National Director he also trains anyone wishing to start a class, sources and distributes all class lesson material, attends Board meetings and visits all classes on a semi-regular basis. Bruce also represents New Zealand at International and Regional CBSI events. He is always available to talk about CBSI and is happy to visit anywhere in New Zealand to publicize and inform about CBSI.